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Language Proficiency
English (fluent)
+7 (495) 772-95-90
Address: 13 Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, Building 4, room 401а
SPIN-RSCI: 6560-6981
ORCID: 0000-0002-8566-9840
ResearcherID: M-1005-2015
Google Scholar
M. Y. Blinkin
K. Puzanov
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Nadezhda Shilova

  • Nadezhda Shilova has been at HSE University since 2008.

Education and Degrees

  • 2011

    Candidate of Sciences* (PhD) in International Economics
    Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

  • 2007

    Degree in Asian and African Studies
    Lomonosov Moscow State University

* Candidate of Sciences
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.

- economics of water

- economics of xenophobia

Courses (2023/2024)

Courses (2022/2023)

Courses (2021/2022)

Courses (2020/2021)


  • 2019
    III Съезд молодых востоковедов (Уфа). Presentation: Urban Planning в Израиле: история и вызовы современности
  • 2018

    XIX Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Discovering behavioural drifts related to political economics policies nudges using hashtags

  • Научная конференция «Развитие инновационной экономики в странах Востока» в рамках международного конгресса, посвященного 200-летию Института востоковедения РАН (Москва). Presentation: Проблемы интерпретации результатов экономических экспериментов в странах Ближнего и Среднего Востока: приглашение к дискуссии
  • 2017
    II Международная конференция «Инновационная экономика и менеджмент: методы и технологии» (Москва). Presentation: Новый подход к оценке степени развития отрасли на основе анализа степени ее инновационности
  • 2014
    4th LCSR Summer School on Categorical Data Analysis: Loglinear models, Latent Variables and SEMs (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: On deriving the costs of the next child
  • 37 Международная научная школа-семинар им. акад. С.С. Шаталина "Системное моделирование социально-экономических процессов" (Сочи). Presentation: Стратегия торговли с использованием открытых Интернет-площадок
  • 2011
    EBES 2011 Conference - Istanbul (Стамбул). Presentation: Mixed Market of Bus Transportation Services in Russia


Timetable for today

Full timetable

‘I Have Always Respected the University’s Comprehensiveness and Inclusiveness’

Throughout July, students of the HSE International Summer University are studying Russian History and Behavioural Economics. The courses are taking place in an online format—something that seemed unthinkable for a summer programme before the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent years have shown that online learning is a unique opportunity for students from all over the world to study with leading HSE University professors from the comfort of their own homes.

Summer University 2021: Bringing International Students and Lecturers Together Online

On August 20, the second online HSE Summer University came to an end. Students from 22 universities in 13 different countries enrolled in its courses. The Summer University 2021 was a truly international event, and while it was a little different from previous ones, it was no less unique.

HSE International Summer University to Offer Lectures in Partnership with Pompeu Fabra University

As a part of long-standing cooperation between HSE University and the Pompeu Fabra University, this summer, International Summer University  in collaboration with Barcelona International Summer School (BISS) will organize a series of open lectures for participants of both summer programmes. Some of HSE Summer University courses are still open for registration.

Moscow Ranks among World’s Top Three Major Cities Implementing Effective Economic Policy During the Coronavirus Crisis

Researchers from HSE University conducted a study of 15 of the world’s largest cities in Europe, Asia, and North America that assessed the cities’ labour market activity, post-quarantine economic recoveries, and the extent to which their digital infrastructures were prepared for the crisis. The study showed that Seoul and Shanghai, followed by Moscow, dealt with the crisis most effectively. Singapore and Stockholm ranked 4th and 5th, respectively.

‘I Really Enjoyed This Summer School Experience’

The HSE International Summer University completed its 2020 session on August 20. Due to the pandemic, the programme was held online for the first time. Students from all over the world met on Zoom to study Russian language as well as take a variety of subject specific courses and participate in informal activities.