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Address: 3 Bolshoy Tryokhsvyatitelsky Pereulok, room 227
SPIN-RSCI: 5838-5237
ORCID: 0000-0002-3300-0387
ResearcherID: ACP-6564-2022
Google Scholar
V. Rusinova
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Polina Malkova

  • Polina Malkova has been at HSE University since 2019.

Education and Degrees

  • 2018

    Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • 2012

    Master's in Law
    University College Dublin

  • 2011

    Degree in Law
    Griboedov Institute of International Law and Economics


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Law, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

Bachelor in Laws LL. B, Institute of International Law and Economics named after Griboedov, Moscow, Russia

Courses (2023/2024)

Courses (2022/2023)

Courses (2021/2022)

Courses (2020/2021)



2012 - 2017 Премия PH. D. Studentship от китайского Университета Гонконга

Февраль 2010, 2011 участие в конкурсе Международного Юридического учебного суда им. Филиппа Джессупа, национальные раунды России

Июль-август 2010 года грант от Университета Сан-Диего в рамках студенческого конкурса "летняя стипендиальная программа" 2010 года, организованного американским образовательным центром Pericles. Прохождение курса в Тринити-колледже, Дублин; предметы: права человека и международные переговоры.

Employment history

2019      Teaching a course “Legal Writing and Methods of Legal Research, HSE Faculty of Law Postdoctoral researcher at the Higher School of Economics, Moscow

2012 – 2017        Administrative and research assistance to the Faculty of Law of the Chinese University of Hong Kong

2016-2017           Teaching a course Transitional Justice, CUHK

May-September 2015, 2016       Graduate research consultant scheme of CUHK (consulting and guiding undergraduate student groups on their research projects)

Timetable for today

Full timetable

The Psychosocial Risks of Distance Working

The project team ‘Regulatory framework to prevent remote work-related psychosocial risks’ of the HSE University Faculty of Law has held an interdisciplinary online workshop to discuss the possible psychosocial risks faced by telecommuters. Participants learned more about the preliminary results of a survey conducted among Russians in summer 2021. In addition, guest experts from French and German universities spoke about EU countries’ experiences in preventing psychosocial risks.

‘I Really Enjoyed This Summer School Experience’

The HSE International Summer University completed its 2020 session on August 20. Due to the pandemic, the programme was held online for the first time. Students from all over the world met on Zoom to study Russian language as well as take a variety of subject specific courses and participate in informal activities.