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Illustration for news: HSE Economists Develop a Model for Sustainable Solar Geoengineering Agreements

HSE Economists Develop a Model for Sustainable Solar Geoengineering Agreements

Researchers at HSE University and George Mason University have investigated the sustainability of prospective international agreements on solar geoengineering. The authors have proposed a scheme in which payments flow from affluent nations to less wealthy ones; an arrangement which sets their proposal apart from traditional systems. The proposed model aims to dissuade more vulnerable countries from excessive use of the prevalent geoengineering method by providing compensation for the potential damage they may incur and supporting their adaptation to climate change. The paper has been published in Environmental and Resource Economics.

Illustration for news: Human Bodies Impede 6G Signal Transmission

Human Bodies Impede 6G Signal Transmission

A team of researchers, including scientists from HSE University, have investigated the influence of human movement on the propagation of 6G signals. Within a range of up to 10 metres, the signal attenuation is comparatively minor, yet brief connection failures may still occur. Based on the study findings, a blockage detection algorithm has been developed to account for both signal attenuation and interruptions. The gaming industry is likely to derive the greatest benefits from this discovery. A paper with the study findings has been published in Computer Communications.

Illustration for news: Neural Networks of Power: AI Unravels Knots and Tangles in Relationships between Humans, Elves and Hobbits

Neural Networks of Power: AI Unravels Knots and Tangles in Relationships between Humans, Elves and Hobbits

One of the most popular writers of the last century, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, was born on January 3rd. Researchers from HSE University, AIRI and MISSIS have used machine learning to explore the social connections between the characters of his Middle-earth universe. The algorithm managed to create an accurate picture of the social structures and dynamics of the characters' relationships, providing a unique map of interactions in the epic world. The results of the work were published in IEEE Xplore.

Illustration for news: Scientists Discover Cause of Metastasis Formation in Patients with Colorectal Cancer

Scientists Discover Cause of Metastasis Formation in Patients with Colorectal Cancer

An international team of researchers including scientists at the HSE Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology has identified factors which can increase the aggressiveness of tumours in patients with colorectal cancer. An isoform of CD44 protein has been found to play a pivotal role in the development of metastases. The study findings have been published in Molecular Oncology.

Illustration for news: Crypto Investors Receive Downside Risk Premiums

Crypto Investors Receive Downside Risk Premiums

Victoria Dobrynskaya, Assistant Professor at the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences, has analysed the price dynamics of 2,000 cryptocurrencies from 2014 to 2021 and investigated the association between downside risks and average returns in the cryptocurrency market. As it turns out, cryptocurrencies exhibiting a greater risk tend to yield higher average returns. The study has been published in International Review of Financial Analysis.

Illustration for news: Plurilingualism Compensates for Low Extraversion in Nurturing Creative Skills

Plurilingualism Compensates for Low Extraversion in Nurturing Creative Skills

Researchers at the HSE Laboratory for Linguistic, Intercultural, and Creative Competencies have examined the role of the Big Five personality traits in moderating the development of creativity among individuals who use multiple languages and have intercultural experiences. It has been found that acquiring multiple languages and engaging with diverse cultures can enhance an individual's creativity and compensate for some deficiencies in communicative abilities. That said, language practices are likely to foster creativity only in mentally stable individuals. The paper has been published in the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.

Illustration for news: ‘Every Article on NeurIPS Is Considered a Significant Result’

‘Every Article on NeurIPS Is Considered a Significant Result’

Staff members of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science will present 12 of their works at the 37th Conference and Workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), one of the most significant events in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. This year it will be held on December 10–16 in New Orleans (USA).

Illustration for news: HSE University Students Win in the AIJ Science Competition at AI Journey 2023

HSE University Students Win in the AIJ Science Competition at AI Journey 2023

The International Sber Conference of Artificial Intelligence, ‘AI Journey 2023’ recently took place in Moscow. Alexander Rogachev, doctoral student of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science, and Egor Egorov, an HSE 4th-year undergraduate student became the winners of the AIJ Science competition for scientific articles on artificial intelligence that was held as part of the event. The research was carried out under the umbrella of the HSE's Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis (LAMBDA).

Illustration for news: Games Facilitate Stroke Patients' Recovery

Games Facilitate Stroke Patients' Recovery

An international group of scientists including researchers from HSE University has proposed a novel approach to rehabilitating patients with motor disorders. According to the researchers, more effective recovery can be achieved by granting patients the freedom to choose their movements and providing an appropriate system of rewards for engaging in the prescribed exercises. The opinion paper has been published in Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair.

Illustration for news: Measuring Pitch Frequency Can Help Train AI to Accurately Recognise Emotions

Measuring Pitch Frequency Can Help Train AI to Accurately Recognise Emotions

A new algorithm that enables precise measurement of the pitch frequency of a speech signal, a crucial parameter for identifying emotions and diagnosing illnesses, has been introduced by researchers at HSE Campus in Nizhny Novgorod. This method can operate in a noisy environment, in real time and with fewer computing resources than any currently existing analogues. The results of the study have been published in the Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics.