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‘Russia and the EU: Uneasy Relations. A Look from Belgium’

Academic Papers of the 9th International Session of the HSE Russian–European Center for Multidisciplinary Research were published by Vytautas Magnus University Press, Kaunas, Lithuania.

Belyaeva N. (ed.). Russia and the EU: Uneasy Relations. A Look from Belgium. Academic Papers of the 9th International Session of the HSE Russian - European Center for Multidisciplinary Research, Brugge, 2-9 August, 2009. Vytautas Magnus University Press, Kaunas, Lithuania, 2010. ISBN 978-9955-12-579-2

The publication includes reports presented at the 9th International Session of the HSE Russian - European Center for Multidisciplinary Research ‘Baltic Practice' which took place in Brugge on August 2-9, 2009.

This publication is a continuation of the series of yearly Academic Papers, published since 2006, by the ‘Baltic Practice' interdisciplinary research Center, in a form of structured and edited collection of research papers of participants of the International HSE Summer School ‘Practice at the Baltic Sea' or simply ‘Baltic Practice', submitted by the students of State University - Higher School of Economics, as well as undergraduate and graduate students from several European universities, complimented by the commentaries and research articles by research group academic leaders and experts.



Foreword from the Academic Director

Experts' Contribution

  • Vladimir Zuev. EU - Russian relations: in search of a new contract within a changing global environment.
  • Alexander Nikitin. Europe and Russia in international peace operations
  • Anita Soboleva. Institutes for human rights protection: how effective

Chapter One. Russian-European Cooperation: Challenges and Opportunities

  • Nina Belyaeva, Stanislav Tkachenko. Introduction by the group's academic leaders
  • Milena Marin. Normative values in Russia-EU interactions
  • Peter Novik. Russia and the EU - Cooperation or rivalry
  • Natia Ejoshvili. Eastern partnership analysis
  • Milan Aleksić. Nabucco vs. South Stream in Russian-European cooperation

Chapter Two. Democracy values and practices: getting down to basic features

  • Dmitriy Zaytsev, Valeriy Ledyaev. Introduction by the group's academic leaders
  • Anna Shkuratova. Democracy: pros and cons. Democratization process
  • Ekaterina Balobaeva. Nation-state and Globalization
  • Konstantin Anchin, Maria Merkulova. The interaction of political parties and civil organizations
  • Ramon Van Bruchem. No democracy: why the Russian party system failed
  • Nikita Romashkin. Textual analysis of the French Socialist Party motions presented at the 2008 PS Congress

Chapter Three. Human Rights: from philosophy to legal instruments

  • Anita Soboleva, Chuck Hirt. Introduction by the group's academic leaders
  • Benjamin Mols. Philosophic foundations of Human Rights
  • Ekaterina Tarasova. EU - Russia democratic dialogue on the environmental policy as implementation of the  right to fair environment
  • Elena Sorokina. Legislation on NGOs in Russia and Europe
  • Tatiana Milacheva. Comparison of the EU and CE human rights instruments on the example of discrimination of foreign nationals on grounds of nationality
  • Maria Shabanova. Rights of LGBT minority in Russian law and practice

Chapter Four. Corporate Governance: between markets and policy

  • Olga Melitonyan, Vladimir Zuev. Introduction by the group's academic leaders
  • Yulia Sonina. Corporate governance practice. Is it important for companies?
  • Natalia Churkina. Integrating interests of business and government in solving the problem of climate change mitigation
  • Maria Sinichkina. EU-Russia Relations: Challenges and Opportunities for Russian Investors in the European Union's Market
  • Svetlana Borisova. Taxation of small entrepreneurship in Russia under the conditions of the economic crisis: what changes are needed?
  • Denis Kurakin. Decisions of management and shareholders of the company: how they influence company market price 

Chapter Five. Entrepreneurship: framework and practice in Russia and Europe

  • Alexander Chepurenko, Miguel Meuleman. Introduction by the group's academic leaders
  • Elena Subbotina. Educating managers and entrepreneurs: common features and differences in the practice of Russian and foreign business-schools (developed countries)
  • Elena Churilova, Vladimir Shuklin. Entrepreneurial potential of Russia and Belgium: comparative analysis of environment for early entrepreneurship activities 
  • Maxim Markin, Elena Nazarbaeva. What Is More Important for Early Stage Entrepreneurs in Russia and Belgium: Human Capital vs. Social Capital
  • Ekaterina Yarygina, Maria Karpasova. Access to Real Estate as Restriction of Small Entrepreneurship Development in Russia
  • Denis Boldin, Andrei Kuzminov, Konstantin Rozantsev. SME and information resources for it in Russia (a cross-regional comparison)


HSE Russian - European Center for Multidisciplinary Research "Baltic Practice"

University - Higher School of Economics

The Authors